In spanish, Mi historia means My story. Bonifasius Dipati my name, and here IS some of my stories. Currently Studying at Monash University,Food enthusiast and trading equity as an interest.
Well,.. i went summit in the afternoon today. Had lunch with my friend who had just done his Saturday's half days work.
Summit is a good old shopping centre to actually buy some stuffs. but well, i found nothing there to purchase as a gift for my chinese host.
We took bus from summit to Sunway Pyramid and got onto this friggin shit head crazy bus driver. There was a Proton Perdana's driver asking for a way with his hand out of the window to cut the bus way at the traffic light. and the bus driver bang the car from the side.
Well, I cant say that the bus driver is wrong, because for whatever reason, a car should never cut a way of the bus. But!! the car showed hand and for whatever reason and even if he is pissed.. why would he bang the proton????
while over the way, the proton driver was lazy to argue with him as well.... and the bus driver keep saying "not my fault".. not my fault... yes it is not entirely his fault, but whose in the right mind would intentionally bang a bus to a car???
This world is full of some unbelieveable people... hahaha..
Well, i went to this shop when i arrived at pyramid and it has almost everything i wanted. Its not the best of each product, but tausapia,, dodol durian, and all of maalysian products which is made by malaysian chinese is there.
I grabbed quite a number of items and cost me nearly 80bucks and i ditch away the idea of buying some chocolate and cigar...
wel, this will mean almost certainly that i would need a bigger bag .... darn..
I went to my usual pda shop and ask for the GPS set up file, coz incase i need 'em i can just install that later to my PDA.
well, we walked around for an hour and basically that's about it.
Ah, funny stuffs... i had this hybrid slipper (a slipper that looks like a shoes, but not a shoe).. and i asked everyone to guess how much is it.
They guessed, 200 ringgit, 400 ringgit... it is as if i have always bought some shit fuck ugly looking expensive items.. hahaha
i told them that it's 39 bucks and it shocked them to hell hahaha...
Its comfy, its nice and hopefully durable.
Well, today i went out home alone to finish up a few works before leaving to china in 2 days
First of all, i went to exchange some USD, and i got quite a good rate. USD is somewhat stupid reason suddenly gotten stronger accross the world. Well singapore and aud has been silly darn expensive with reasonable fundamental reasoning. but USD of a sudden strenght.. hmm, time to EXCHANGE all those GREEN BILL
Posted a book to my friend in ozzie, cost 40 ringgit on about a kiloz of book , un insured/un-registered.. its very darn expensive tho. i can get another book with that kind of money. but thats a limited edition of 10,000 only last installment of first printed harry potter
Went to dentist for my yearly check up. I hate doctor, i hate dentist the most. i had my teeth cleaned up and a hole patched at my wisdom teeth that grew slanted.
went to AmBank to reload my credit card and WALK all the way back to shopping centre about 3km far in the middle of hot sunny day... hehehe
I had my claim money back from MOnash Uni engineering on the project which is nearly 1000 ringgit today, phew.. good that i got it before i leave.
i bought a pack of mushroom, and will bring the dragon fruit wine to china with me.
This present really confuses me. I am never good with this stuffs. especially when "everything made in CHINA"
i will bring a bottle or two of the dragon fruit wine. i think i will bring a bottle only and get a good wine in the airport.
i bought wired magazine and a fortune magazine. Wired is my monthly treat now and fortune has an article on Pilbara Iron ore that attracts my attention.
Experience in Muar taught me that a city does exist in malaysia where NOBODY speak english or no english book can be found in any bookstore!!
i remembered when i go to a phone shop and ask the girl , " can i have 50 ringgit maxis credit?", she looked at me blankly and i said again , " fifty ringgit maxis please", alother blank look on her face......
and my friend just suddenly snap, "MAXIS GO CAP"... hahahaa... and she UNDERSTOOD!! what a magic moment. hahahhaa..
I was about to write "New----" on the start of the blogging activity. Lately been thinking that it is time of not being so slack and be better!.
But to declare to be a better person is not a start of being a better person. I am not a super hero, a man do not change because of no reason.
I watched a good movie , just finished the trilogy of cantonese movie, internal affair, very very good movie and it says this.
"event changes people, and people can never be powerful enough to change the event"
Some describe it as tipping point, and english simply describe it as a turning point.
Would we have to wait for the moment, and to realize in order to change? Will this travel to china is the moment that i would wait?
I never do mind about to change of better or worse. I believe rooted in me the goodness of what my parents had taught me deep and far "chang" inside me.
I had a talk with my old ex-worker today when he came to borrow some series movie. i warned him that 2.3billion chinese and indian will HUNT for his job , they are smarter, more techinical and they are hungry to be better and THEY ARE WILLING TO BE PAID CHEAPER AND THEY WORK HARDER
I have sworn, that whoever ,,... ever come and try to hunt my plate of dish.. i will fuck every one of those 2.3billion indian and chinese... and i will fuck 'em hard...
Reading the book written by Friedman, world is flat... it pictures the world into one integrated corporation and production system. yes it is a thick book, and really recommend everyone to have a read of it.
Anyhow, thats about the scrambled mind of mine. I am just about to write "i will just try" and suddenly remembered a saying "LOSERS try their best, Winner brings the prom queen home"