Here is where i have been to in my entire life
- Melbourne, Australia
- Sydney, Australia
- Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Parapat, Indonesia
- Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
- Tidal River, Australia
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In spanish, Mi historia means My story. Bonifasius Dipati my name, and here IS some of my stories. Currently Studying at Monash University,Food enthusiast and trading equity as an interest.
Here is where i have been to in my entire life
I used to believe and still believe that OS X is a very safe OS due to its lower user percentage. But with Mac getting more popular and more students plus people considering Mac, it is just about time it will be hacked badly. Welcome to the jungle steve.
That's right; Mac OS are the easiest to hack, according to Charlie Miller, analyst – ISE (Independent Security Evaluators). Charlie not only proved by hacking the MacBook running the OS X, 10.5.2 version, in less than two minutes, but also won $10k and a new laptop.
Sponsorors had put up three laptops with different operating system and each patched up with the latest updates. They were made available to any one who could hack into the system. The three day hacking contest was organized at CanSecWest conference, Mariott Renaissance, Vancouver, British Columbia. A USD 20k cash prize would have been paid for successful applicants on day one, USD 10k on day two and USD 5K on the last day.
No one was successful on the 1st day, but on the 2nd day Charlie Miller breached into the MacBook OS, in just about less than two minutes. Charlie Miller did not share the vulnerability as he was bonded by the nondisclosure agreement. Miller however pointed out a bug in Safari browser 3.1.
The co-winner of last years hacking content, Macaulay was able to breach into the vista operating system running service pack 1. It took him two days but was finally successful hacking into vista on the last day.
Overall threre were three winner, Charlie who hacked MacBook, Macaulay who breached the Vista, and linux operating system Ubuntu 7.10 installed in one of the system that remained unconquered.
Just learned this from Veri chub chub. a nice clip i found today.
Police Tactics Against Gunpoint 1 - Click here for this week’s top video clips
Our dynamic society has agreed that bullying in anyway form is condemned. However, cultural background and family's value in which someone's brought up may differ from person to person. The argumentative essay wish to address a practical approach of how opportunity and values may vary within a person a situation on a minor abuse cases that often being missed. While a minor may occur without anyone may have realized.
Being a scaleably responsible person may get yourself into a target of a minor bullying. For example, if you are in a shared house with a limited of 250MB per day per user you are expected to respect the guides and try not to exceed your monthly quota. One way is to install a download meter which will record all of your traffic and measure your daily, weekly and monthly download to keep you under the quota. However, the other housemate may refuse to install it with simple excuses that such as " I only use few hours a day" , or I do not download anything. But none realize that a 10 minutes of youtube is more than 50Mb of download. A page of new york times is nearly 500Kb, and a technology web or blog may be 1-2 Mb per load due to its high graphic and photos. By being scale able, you are capable of defending your right and stand when being questioned as long as a self obey his/her quota. However, the bully comes when there is a sudden jump in the use of download on a particular day. Just because you're the only person who responsibly "scale" your usage, you're being the ONLY target of the investigation/quiry while others enjoys QUO status of "I do not think I use that much because I think I am a light user".
Secondly, cultural intimacy may also encourage minor bullying. To follow up with the previous example, it is assumed that your housemate is a person who has a similar cultural background.He/she can be a friend, family, colleague or spouse. A similar parameter is introduced where a home with a download quota and a particular day of a jump in useage. Due to your cultural intimacy, the other party may easily start the investigation and accusation from YOU. This may due to the relevant party's inability to enquire others fairly without feeling to offend them. For example, if the other housemates is from korea, the investigating party who is from china will be more comfortable to accuse the other chinese housemate FIRST because of cultural intimacy that they may have. Hoping that the chinese housemate is the relevant suspect and so to save the efford to enquire the other housemate. If the chinese housemate starts from korean housemate and it could not prove it, he/she may offend the korean depending on how the investigation process run. However, unfortunately on this case and parameter, after accusing the "culturally intimate" housemate and proven wrong, the investigation STOPs(does not continue) due to the party's inability in intercultural communication.
Further, due to the other's korean's housemate unwillingness to scale their useage, the primary party cannot argue on the issue.
The conclusion on the case study is that being a responsible person and to scale your useage of quota may encourage the possibility of you being the target of bully. Coupled with the cultural intimacy of the primary investigating party, the maginitude of the possibility is enormous. This is often due to cultural hesitation and incapable of proving scale of useage they may have which boost their advantage.
As a suggestive measure, it is recommended to keep your logbook of useage clean and tidy. This will help to prevent an escalating tention that may arise from the initial minor bullying. Secondly, it is advised to a primary investigating party to be sincere and accountable while realizing that a minor bully may have occur although he/she may not realize.
Hi Ratna,
Certainly human rights has been violated with people being shot "like a dog". about 99 people are dead as reported per se.
Well, Only about a few months ago when myanmar government cracked down on the Buddhist monk's backed protest that claims hundreds of lives, world pressure china as Myanmar's largest trading partner to conduct restrain.
But it seems that for now, before Olympic torched being passed down by the runner, the protest will spread into other provinces and other countries even faster.
for the information, that Myanmar is still alive altho the whole world under UN embargo the nation is because Myanmar is the largest producer or world RUBY stone. ruby is the red diamond crystal. it produces 90% of world's ruby.
and china has mainly supply the nation with goods and military equipments.
anyhow, one to learn... whose gonna remember those who "WERE SHOT LIKE A DOG" TOMORROW....i dont give a fuck what future has they changed, i dont even know a single name of the dead people in tian an men square...
they all pretend to care.. but who knows any of those tian an men square victim?
the point is,
DO NOT DIE LIKE A DOG FOR A SILLY REFORMATION THAT UR NAME IS NOT GOING TO BE REMEMBERED, i better die like hitler remembered than die like a dog being squashed by tank not remembered...
on a link above from reuters article,
it was titled. , "China accuses Dalai Lama of taking Olympics "hostage"
the world has become so interesting that we sometimes question if china's accusation on holy person like Dalai Lama is valid.
Some might condemn what china did, but china is communist, a no god land.
world has become so interesting that even an olympic games can be held hostage... Good play dalai (if he does orchestrated the whole "incident")
below is an interesting opinion from an expert regarding tibet
Comment by Jamie Metzl , Executive Vice President, Asia SocietyComment by Jamie Metzl, Executive VP, Asia Society - Mar 17, 2008
We don’t know how these protest are going to end. Certainly the Dalai Lama has made a strong commitment to non violence and I have every expectation that commitment will be maintained. The Dalai Lama has also expressed his desire for Tibet to remain part of China, but with greater autonomy. To date the Chinese have been hesitant to yield to the demands of the Tibet exile movement for things such as the Dalai Lama’s return to Lhasa.
Well, this post is sort of away from the normal posts. Ah well, As a food lover... yes FOOD lover, the only object tat i would dare to use the word "love" on, Huo Guo/ Hot pot/ Shabu shabu is one of my world favourite.
Well, before I went to china, My thought was that there is only one or two types of hot pot/ Huo guo. and normally the pot will be divided into two sides, like yin yang, the first one is plain with normal and the other one will be the spicy soup.
Ah, as you can guess already, it is truly a ground shocking and amazingly awesome experience to taste some of the weirdest and BEST-est (pardon the use of wrong grammar) ever.
Well, I do not attached my super favourite huo guo on this post.
It is Hong men yang rou, basically it is a goat meat Huo guo with a red sauce. It is the specialty of a small town where i used to live. Tried so much but that's the one I truly loved.
Not saying below's list is aint good , they are really close in terms of taste. But the variety of it will lure your salive to drolls!!!!
Enjoy........................ and Btw, pardon my han yu Ping yin, it sucks... yes i do realize.A. Xiang Lak Xia Huo Guo., xiang = smells good ; Lak = spicy/hot; Xia = prawn/shrimps, so Its a Spicy smells good prawn Hot pot.
Second input is the same huo guo with better angle take. Well, its basically a stir fried prawn, potato/sweet potato (fried first before stir fried together with the prawn), dried chili, garlic, some ginger, herbs, chili pepper ( Ma lak, sechuan chili pepper), some spring onion and UNKNOWN ingredients.
Basically they will put the cooking first on the top of the hot pot stove, wait until you finish all the prawns and filling (warn you this is spicy and Oily).
After you're finished, they are going to pour the hot water in it until the wok is half full , where u then can light the fire and start your "huo guo" inside.
It cost about 60 Yuan /2 people to order as you like until you are very very exteremely full.
VERY GOOD, rating 8 out of 10. ; Cheap, spicy, amazingly surprising taste.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next one will be U mi zhou Huo guo.
This one is quite unique. Zhou is basically a congee or porridge.
It starts with a "milky" white water of soup based. The host describe to me that the milky feature is because they use the water from "washing the rice" to make it.
to better describe it, maybe some singaporean or malaysian would know the word "barley" drink. Its tasteless but it is really thick and good to absorb the taste of anything stewed on it.
Anyhow, normally we'd eat it with "seafood" side sauce specially made and whole chopped chicken is poured into the boiling hot pot.
Later, normally some vegetable and normal huo guo meats can be poured and enjoy at usual.
Well, what is special about it then?
It is at the end of it,... A thick congee/porridge (Zhou) is poured into the soup and while all the essence of the boiled hotpot we enjoyed before mixed to create a very very tasty and delicious porridge.
This Hot pot is actually one of the most expensive i had, for 5 people it cost about 150-200 Yuan/RMB.
I tried it 3x , Its awesomely delicious, and especially the congee.... its wordless... Heavenly!
Rating 9 out of 10
----------------------------------------------------------------------The next one is less radical. Everyone who has ever enjoyed chinese huoguo should be familiar with this. the design of it is yin yang elements. But it is not called yin yang. To my surprised, it is called "yuen yang" huo guo.
It borrows the meaning from a kind of duck that always goes in a pair. I knew this when i went to the local zoo and this couple of animal which looks like a tiny duck swims here and there in pair. one is white and the other one is black.
Guys.. you're very lucky. I found the picture of them,when i took it at local zoo... and you can see them as below.
A symbol of yin yang , and this couple will stay together from kids until they die.Cheap, and traditional.
Rating 7 out of 10.Well
This next one is Sechuan style Huo guo. frankly, i had this one in malaysia at KL city. This will be a typical southern hotpot/huoguo.
The pot may seems to be a little unique. Instead of dividing the pot , half and half, it has a tiny spicy pot in the middle.
The soup based is very tasty itself which you can also easily find oyster mushroom being boiled together.
Rating. 7.5 out of 10
I tried "pork brain" filling in this huo guo.... its INTERESTINGSecond last is Cu tier Huo guo/ Pork feet hot pot.
Yes,... If you're a fan of FAT FAT FAT,.. and a jelly like skin of pork feet... this is heavenly food.
There is nothing except an abundance of pork feet that is well stewed. The texture is tender and very juicy and Lots of skin... which is best...
It cost about 75 yuan / 3 people and we could not finish it either.
rating. 8 out of 10.
The last one is called "Beijing Huoguo". I have no idea nor i know the story behind it, but this huo guo is quite unique in terms of the design of the pot.
Unlike normal huoguo which you will have a metal pot and fire at the bottom of it, this huo guo is very tall.
Well, it basically looks like a "volcano" when the top long cover is taken off.
In the middle of the pot, a hot charcoal is placed and if the long cover is taken off, you can see the fire/ small flames coming out of its mouth.
Soup is basically tasteless, and filling is normal.
Intersting to try but in terms of taste, there is not much of a surprise.
One thing to note is that this huoguo normally accompanied with an abundance of sliced meat.
Rating. 7 out of 10
I had a question from my good friend on his -Option trading- strategy approach incase he has made any mistake in it.
I did not yet responded on his strategy, but instead posing a fundamental question on his style and if he has actually chosen the right path for himself.
A reply of an email archieve is copied as below and edited to avoid any privacy breach that may affect the respondent.
Seriously bro, I had a brief discussion of you with my uncle in singapore. The reason is because you started and showed me that you're an avid PURE INVESTOR. However, option is mostly used as a speculator/Short term trader to make money.
Pure Investor like Warren buffet, does not know and understand TECHNICAL INDICATOR. things such as charts, volume, MACD, ROC or candle stick charting. while Traders do not really care about the company's profitability of financial reports.
THIS are two different world.
What is my question to my uncle is , "if someone has never/ almost never buy a stock in his life, and he is always been reading "Investor" books and he is a pure INVESTOR, can he do well in OPTION trading? "
Well, it can be a easy question and a tough one. Easy is that the logic says the tool you're using is WRONG, but it can be hard to answer if you DO make money although you have Investor brain and the wrong tools to trade.
Anyhow, Try to answer it yourself.
All the best,
Below's link to an article about one of the most notorious business man in the world
CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs.
The article is fairly long, but found it to be profuoundly interesting.
u will need at least half an hour of free time to enjoy it.