Friday, December 04, 2009

Back ON!

I stopped posting on this blog more than a year ago since I've got my own domain at

So, straight to the big question, why do I awaken this sleeping website?
The answer is quite simple, that is the traffic. from the last 12-15months, there are 12000 hits on the blog ( I did not realize this until a few weeks later).

It could easily translate into about 1000 hits/month... not too shabby I guess.

Secondly, when I type bonifasius or bonifasius dipati on my google engine, this blogger website comes 1st. Therefore, it is easy.

Technically this blog is more popular, more optimized in search engine and ALSO FREE. I've paid quite a handsome amount of money to maintain a website and I find it I may not need it yet. the good thing is that, I do learn about how to set up a website incase I need it someday to.

Without a further due, I present you again, Mi Historia.


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