Saturday, October 20, 2007

Appreciation to Karate Club

I guess our Karate Club will have a very long break of 3 months from now till end of February.
There is a chance as well that i may not be able to join the training next year, but i do wouldnt miss a session if i can make it!
The last karate training session was a good drainer for me, a long project week at our Lab yielding a quite satisfying ASRS system on our report, presentation and demo on last thursday. (u dont wanna know what it is hahaha, PM me if interested :p )
First of all, I would like to thank Our karate CnS officer, Alyaa... with her help, we can enjoy a nice lunch during our AGM (thx to singgam for managing the food) and Saturday's diner at shogun.
Thank you for everyone who has support and has enliven our Karate club, both from Sunway and Monash club.
Big big thank you for our sensei , and tony together with our senior who has given me so much to learn during this years. I was no better than any of you when i started, well, if you are not genius, the only way to go , is hard work isnt it?
Thank you for always allowing me to piggy back the ride to darmansara and brickfield training he3x.
And well, some of our adventure is the best i have ever had in my life and the food are always good with all of you during travel... and the adventure is always something awesome.
Good food and great adventure is what is making up most of life IMHO hahahaha......
Oh yea, i'm dragging u all to Kinabalu again,... coz i aint dead yet before i get to that top remember me saying ("This is the first time i felt like being the greatest loser of my life") hahaha....
Well, Tony be eatin big in my homie soon, wish sensei can join on Feb when i possibly return..
Anyhow, to sum up, thQ for making the experience feelin like family, at least for me =)
Btw, to other member that i have not had the sufficiently adequate seconds to get to know you,... it has always been a great experience to know everyone of you.
I plan to spend my summer holiday in China to improve my mandarin for 2-3months right after my exam. If you happen to fly to china, do buzz or sms me (my phone is active anywhere around the world =),
we can plan for some exciting journey if you're around. I am always up to anything exciting that you may have hidden below your drawer...
Seriously, ... if travel is the way of your life,... keep my number handy... btw anyone heading tregganu? its the only state in malaysia except kuantan i havent been to :p
Well, thank you for being considerate with some of our "inappropriate" jokes, and to allow any "gay-ish" act during our training.. ha3x. we are just screwing around, we enjoy jokes.
Please do enjoy yourself on tomorrow's diner. I expect nothing less than the greatest fun and laughter.
My best regards,
Dipati, Bonifasius.

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